Disaster Recovery as a Service

Cloudium Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) aims to minimize downtime, data loss, and the impact of unforeseen events by offering an alternative environment for business operations. It provides a cost-effective and efficient solution for disaster recovery, eliminating the need for organizations to maintain dedicated secondary data centers and infrastructure. With the disaster recovery service customized to meet the needs of your business, it always keeps all of your data and services replicated simultaneously in additional geography to the existing location, whenever you need it, with minimum RPO and RTO times, close to zero interruption tolerance, and minimum data loss tolerance, we minimize the risk of data flow interruption or loss.


Guaranteed RTO and RPO Values

Cloudium DRaaS offers defined RTO and RPO targets. RTO refers to the maximum acceptable downtime after a disaster, while RPO refers to the maximum acceptable data loss. Cloudium DRaaS solutions are designed to meet these objectives, ensuring minimal downtime and data loss during the recovery process.



Automated Failover and Failback

Cloudium DRaaS platforms offer failover and failback processes that are automated. In the event of a disaster, failover enables a seamless transition to the secondary environment, allowing our customers to continue operations. Once the primary infrastructure has been restored, failback guarantees a seamless return to the primary environment.



Resource Based Billing

All disaster recovery plans are created with resource planning that is tailored to the requirements of the customer. In this approach, only the necessary resources and services are charged. A sustainable model of DR operations in financial flow is accomplished for all organizations thanks to the pricing strategy that focuses on cost efficiency.



Testing and Monitoring

Cloudium DRaaS solutions enable organizations to regularly test and validate their disaster recovery plans without impacting production systems. This allows for proactive identification and resolution of any issues or gaps in the recovery process. Additionally, Cloudium monitoring tools provide real-time visibility into the health and performance of the disaster recovery environment.



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